- Mwanzo
- Kuhusu Sisi
- Utawala
- Fursa za Uwekezaji
- Huduma Zetu
- Madiwani
- Miradi
- Machapisho
- Kituo cha Habari
Primary Education
a.To improve academic performance of standard IV and standard VII in nation Examination.
b.To rise enrolment of pre primary and standard one pupils.
c.To improve teaching and learning environment such as classroom, teacher’s houses, pit latrines, books and desks.
d.Preparation of department budget in every year.
e.T o reduce number of illiterate through adult education.
f.To enroll pupils with special needs to school in all school.
g.Monitoring and supervision of funds provided by government to primary schools.(Capitation and Development Grant)
h.To monitor and administer Nation examination for STD IV and STD VII
i.To allocate teachers and manage them in their activities.
Chemba District Council
Sanduku la Posta: 830 CHEMBA
Simu ya Mezani: 0262360175
Simu ya Mkononi: 0765980765
Barua pepe: ded@chembadc.go.tz
Haki miliki ©2017 Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Chemba . Haki zote zimehifadhiwa.